Please fill out the bid completely. When describing the host location please include information about ability to rig, launch, and dock. Thank you.

National Championship Regatta Bid
Year Regatta to be Held (*)
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Proposed Dates of Regatta (*)
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Region (*)
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Host Fleet (*)
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Host Fleet Captain (*)
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Is Host Fleet Captain a Member of the Association? (*)
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Proposed Vice Commodore (*)
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Is Proposed Vice Commodore a Member of the Association? (*)
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Vice Commodore Phone (*)
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Vice Commodore Email (*)
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Venue (*)
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Address Line 1 (*)
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Address Line 2
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City (*)
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State (*)
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Zip Code (*)
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Briefly Describe the Event Location (*)
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Briefly describe on shore events (*)
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Describe hotel and camping accomodations (*)
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Detailed supplemental information may be sent separately via email to our secretary. Use the contact form in the main menu of the website.
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