The Gold Rush Regatta hosted by Grapevine Sailing Club is coming up quickly! If you haven't already, please get online and register so they can have an accurate headcount. Let's get as many boats on the line as we can!
Link to the EVENT SITE.
The Gold Rush Regatta hosted by Grapevine Sailing Club is coming up quickly! If you haven't already, please get online and register so they can have an accurate headcount. Let's get as many boats on the line as we can!
Link to the EVENT SITE.
Congratulations to Jake Wolny who won the 2024 Throwdown in Motown Regatta hosted by the North Star Sail Club the weekend of August 17 and 18 on Lake St. Clair, Michigan.
The deadline to submit articles for the Catalina 22 Fall MainBrace is Noon on Tuesday, October 1. Share your racing and cruising stories as well as new technical tips.
Announcements for posting on the website may be submitted at any time and will post within 24 to 48 hours upon receipt. If you have a fall Catalina 22 regatta coming up, you can provide the Notice of Race document or a link to the NoR on your club's website.
To contact the Editor, please visit
Thank you,
Rich Fox, Editor/Webmaster
The Crescent City Yacht Club of Crescent City, Florida and Catalina 22 Fleets 38 and 151 invite Catalina 22 sailors to the 8th annual Bear Island Regatta the weekend of September 28 and 29.
Read the NOTICE of RACE.
The Dixie Sailing Club is pleased to present the Notice of Race and invite Catalina 22 sailors to their Po' Ol' Kowaliga Regatta on October 5 & 6. The event will take place on Lake Martin, Alabama (near Alexander City). The regatta will benefit the powerful work of Children's Harbor for seriously ill children by hosting a dinner and silent auction on Friday, October 4.
Link to download the Summer MAINBRACE PART 1.
Link to download the Summer MAINBRACE PART 2.
National Cruising Captain Stuart Weist is pleased to announce the new Catalina 22 Cruising Club Online Apparel Storefront.
Currently set-up for the upcoming Apostle Islands Cruise (August 12 to 17), the new storefront will also be used to support future Catalina 22 cruises - making it easier for cruise organizers to design and offer apparel for their event without the need to handle the transactions.